Premier Prosthetic865-474-7096

3 Foolproof Steps For A Proper Prosthetic Limb Fitting

312A0629---1000pxToday’s prostheses work so effectively and look so convincing that you might not even know someone is wearing one. People with prosthetic legs can often walk or run as well as if they were using natural legs, while prosthetic arms and hands have advanced to the point where a person may be able to manipulate all five fingers. At the Premier Prosthetic Center in Knoxville, we know that prosthetic limbs are truly amazing inventions that can dramatically improve our patient’s lives.

Whether a prosthesis is above or below the knee, or above or below the elbow, specific factors improve the fit and function. The process for your prosthesis begins once your limb has healed from surgery.

1st — Test Socket

The socket is what connects a prosthesis to the residual limb, and it’s crucial for both comfort and usefulness of the prosthesis. Your prosthetist will first create a “test socket” from a plastic mold of your residual limb. The prosthetist will evaluate the fit and make any necessary modifications to achieve a comfortable and proper fit. The “test socket” will also be used to fabricate your “preparatory” or prosthesis.

2nd — Preparatory Prosthesis

New amputation patients receive a basic “preparatory” or temporary prosthesis for initial gait training. Wearing this socket helps the residual limb stabilize in volume and shape, and it’s typically worn for a few months. During this time, the prosthetist continues to consult with you about your desired activity level and mobility goals, which will all be taken into account during the creation of the permanent prosthesis.

3rd — Final Prosthesis

Once your residual limb volume and shape has stabilized, you will be ready to be fitted with a permanent prosthesis designed for long term use. Because of the differences in each patient’s anatomy, the fabrication of each prosthetic device is an intricate, custom procedure requiring the expert knowledge and skill of an experienced prosthetist.

Premier Surgical Prosthetic Center offers patients in Knoxville and surrounding East Tennessee communities the latest in prosthetic technology to achieve their vitality goals—whether those be living independently at home, spending active time with grandchildren, or pursuing sports interests. We work with each patient to identify the components and technology needed for a prosthesis that will be most appropriate for your individual activity level, functional needs and lifestyle goals.

If you are facing a limb amputation, are struggling with a poorly fitting prosthesis, or something in between call Premier Surgical Prosthetic Center in Knoxville today at 865-474-7096,  or schedule a free consultation online.

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