Premier Prosthetic Center Earns ABC Accreditation
Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024 | Prosthetics | No Comments
The American Board for Certification (ABC) in Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics has granted a 3-year accreditation to Premier Surgical Prosthetic Center in Knoxville. As the national certifying and accrediting body for the orthotic, prosthetic and pedorthic professions since 1948, The ABC represents the quantity standards in certification and accreditation for thoughts of individuals and patient care organizations.

The Premier Surgical Prosthetic Center is accredited by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics
The American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics, Inc. (ABC) is an independent, nonprofit, standard-setting organization. The Patient Care Accreditation Program is designed for facilities that provide orthotic, prosthetic, pedorthic and mastectomy services to patients. These facilities must employ board certified or licensed personnel appropriate to the scope of services they provide. ABC also provides accreditation for non-patient care, central fabrication facilities.
ABC is governed by a voluntary board of directors composed of orthotic, prosthetic and pedorthic health care professionals and consumers. In coordination with the board, ABC accreditation policy is administered by the Facility Accreditation Committee. ABC’s mission is to establish and promote the highest standards of organizational and clinical performance in the delivery of orthotic, prosthetic and pedorthic services. The high standards, affordability and consultative approach are what make ABC the premier choice for O&P Accreditation.
In 2003, CMS implemented standards of patient care and fraud protection over the orthotic, prosthetic, pedorthic, mastectomy and durable medical equipment professions and relies on non-governmental accrediting organizations, such as ABC, to evaluate all patient care centers against the established Medicare Quality Standards.
In 2006, ABC was awarded Deemed Status from CMS. With this status, facilities accredited by ABC are in compliance with CMS’s mandatory accreditation requirement. Deemed Status from CMS is a validation of ABC’s high standards and serves as the highest public recognition of orthotic, prosthetic, pedorthic and mastectomy care centers.
This is the first time the Premier Surgical Prosthetic Center in Knoxville, Tennessee, has earned ABC accreditation.