Premier Prosthetic865-474-7096

Premier Prosthetic Center Team Helps Bahamas Amputee Walk Again

A Bahamas grandfather is back on his feet for the first time in years, thanks to the efforts of a Knoxville business man and the team at the Premier Surgical Prosthetic Center.

Darren (center) and the Premier Surgical Prosthetic Center team celebrate his new legs.

God is good! It’s amazing how God brings people together,” says 54-year old Darren Pinder of Eleuthra, Bahamas. “I can’t believe how a stranger brought me to Knoxville where they’re going to give me legs.”

He lost both his legs below the knee due to complications from diabetes. Unable to afford prosthesis, the ordained minister has been has been using knee pads to move around the island of Eluthera for the past five years.

Knoxville businessman Scott Dossey befriended Pinder during a trip to the Bahamas. Dossey teamed up with the Premier Surgical Prosthetic Center to recently bring Pinder nearly 900 miles to Knoxville for a week to build and custom-fit a pair of prosthetic legs for him this week.

“We met on a ferry and it was his attitude that got my attention,” says Dossey. “He was walking on knee pads, but smiling and joking. He was determined and didn’t ask for any help.” 

A prosthetic vendor, Fillauer in Chattanooga, donated the components for the prostheses, and Premier Prosthetist Jason Hayden, volunteered his time and skills to fit and create the legs.  The goal was to have Pinder walking on two new, custom fit, carbon fiber prosthetic legs before he returned home to the Bahamas.

“We’ve been working together over video chat to get him prepared for the prosthetic process,” explains Hayden. “The big reason I wanted to help is that he’s really motivated and willing to work to get a good fit.”

During his week at the Premier Prosthtic Center, Pinder practiced moving on temporary prosthetic legs while his permanent legs were created. He was excited to be walking upright again.

“I’m overjoyed! I don’t believe it can be true,” smiles Pinder. “Miracle do happen. God is so good!”

By Friday, Pinder was fitted with his carbon fiber legs. Hayden worked through the weekend with Pinder, making adjustments to the components for a perfect fit.

When Pinder left for the Bahamas, made the journey walking on his new legs. “I can’t wait for my wife and family to see me walking,” says Pinder. “And, I have a new family here in Knoxville. Scott is the brother my mother didn’t have. Thank you! Thank you!”

Pinder plans to return to Knoxville in the spring to be part of a fundraiser for the Amputee Blade Runners, a charity that provides free running prosthetics for amputees.


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