Comprehensive Care

The Premier Surgical Prosthetic Center is accredited by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics
Whether you are pre or post-amputation surgery, Premier Prosthetic Center’s team is by your side, providing guidance and support throughout the prosthesis process. We specialize in lower extremity prosthetics. Each patient and prosthetic is unique. Our special process allows for individual attention, fit, and custom fabrication on-site.
From before surgery, through rehabilitation, to device maintenance, our goal is to provide superior comfort, fit and function. A good support team that includes family, friends, and medical professionals, such as our caring Premier Prosthetic Center staff, is a vital part of your success.
Our individual process offers superior fit and function, even for those patients who have been dissatisfied with performance and comfort offered by prosthetic components from other providers. Premier Prosthetic Center offers complimentary consultations to both pre and post-amputation surgery patients.
Pre-Surgery Patients
Before your amputation surgery, our prosthetist will meet with you to evaluate your mobility and lifestyle expectations post-surgery. He will work and community with your surgeon to determine specific surgery techniques that can enhance your ability to utilize prosthesis. In some cases, our prosthetist may arrange to attend your surgical procedure to gather detailed information that will aid in the fabrication and fit of your unique prosthesis.
During amputation surgery, stabilizing the divided muscles is of utmost importance. Inadequate technique can result in weak, retracted muscles or skin that cannot tolerate the pressure of a prosthetic limb and will compromise stability. There are several surgical techniques used for fostering distal muscle stabilization. Based on your general and vascular health, your surgeon will determine the amputation technique most appropriate for you.
Following amputation surgery, the team at Premier Prosthetic Center will prepare your residual limb by fitting you with a “shrinker sock”. Once the wound is healed, our prosthetist will take measurements and create a plaster impression to fabricate a “test socket”. Your prosthetic prescription will be based on your mobility and activity goals.
New amputation patients will receive a basic “preparatory” or temporary prosthesis for initial gait training. The socket helps your residual limb stabilize in volume and shape. It is usually worn for a couple of months. You will graduate to a “definitive” or permanent prosthesis designed with more responsive components to reach higher goals.